Thursday, April 3, 2008

So it's been a few days, shoot me. ;)

Worked all day yesterday, didn't much feel like chatting once the day was done. Internet decided to crap out this morning and stayed that way for the better part of the day. By the time it came back on it was almost time to go to work..but, none of this probably matters much to you.

J and Chris have been under the weather, but seem to be doing better today. J's still stuffy, but good to go. He had to leave school early yesterday. Can't tell you how horrible my Mommy heart felt to know that I wasn't the one picking him up..Chris did, so I'm thankful one of us can. But, still. It's the job I want. Before I start crying, I'll stop.

Played some rockband today with hubby, I'm no longer allowing myself to play on "easy". I'm on "medium"'s not quite as easy, duh, but I still do pretty well for the most part!

Chris and J just went out on a walk with Sadie for Daddy Son time..Ash is in doing the dishes. Funny, she begged for at least a year to do the I think she'd rather throw herself into a pit of liquid magma. So goes the life of girls..and unlucky boys. J's taken on the chore of feeding the dog lunch and dinner everyday. Something he also begged to do daily but now that he does, he "forgets" and sighs and doesn't really find the joy in it. Funny how us humans are..we forget how quickly we begged for things when they start to get familiar. I want a job! Crap, I hate this stupid job. I want time off! Crap, I can't find a job. I want a car! Crap, I can't pay for my blasted car. I want to pay off all of my debt quick! Crap, I have no money b/c I'm paying all of my bills off quick! I could go on, but I guess I won't. You probably get the idea.

On the brighter side of playlist freakin rocks. I added quite a few new songs the other day and weeded out some of them that were starting to get on my nerves. Hang out and listen for awhile, if you want!

The weather is so great today. Sunny, not a cloud in sight..up to 60* on the way home tonight. Can't wait till its a sweet 85* out there. YES!!!

I guess I have nothing else to say. Except, I want dessert!! Strawberries and homemade whipped cream. I don't have either of those things, but I can dream, can't I?? :)

Love you guys, have a great night!!


  1. Missed the hell out of you. Now I know how you felt when we didn't blog for a few days. Isn't it crazy how we totally become addicted? But as Martha says, "IT'S A GOOD THING".
    Hope the guys continue to get better. It is funny how soon we get tired of the things we really think we love, or just like, doing.
    Dream on! The strawberries and whipped cream sound wonderful. I have to settle for fruit salad. We have plenty of fruit.
    Not sure what we are having for dinner tonight, but the more I think about it, the T-bones sound really good. For that matter I've had a real taste for homemade hamburgers, too.
    Love ya

  2. I know, I'm SOOO addicted!! I check the blogs more times per day than I care to share ;)

    We had tacos for dinner :) What did you decide to have?

  3. I think you are both addicted - to the blogs and to FOOD! And, as Martha says, it IS a very good thing!
    I don't work tonight (Friday) and am planning to finish my book. I don't get to say too much about menus around here, unfortunately, but I think steaks and/or tacos would be great. Well, one of these days I will be in charge of my food choices again....

    love you,

  4. Yeah, I AM kinda hungry a lot :) heehee
