Monday, April 26, 2010


My new playlist!  I'm still workin on it..but it's got a lot of my faves so far. 


  1. Just listened to Hold On with Clapton and King...awesome! Me likey bery mucho!

  2. Oooh, me too. Just made me happy to hear it. I'm sure you will REALLY enjoy my country selections. hahahahaha ;)

  3. Sarah, How did you make this page? where do you get the themes, I can't find any like this on the site. Also, I did you format your signature. I really like that. I want more varied choices for my blog...

  4. Hi :) I got this layout from but there are tons of sites out there. Anyway, you just find the layout you want on that site and then copy the code into an html code box in your blogger layout section. Maybe that is confusing. Yes? They tell you how to do it, step by step, on the site ;)

    My header I the layout for it I think on the same site and then went into Photobucket (you can use photoshop, etc..) and edited it to say what I wanted. Then, saved the pic and uploaded it on my header section of the blogger layout.

    My signature I got from it gives you tons of options and instructions, too.

    Hope that helps! I feel like my blog is super plain compaired to the other fancy ones I see. But, I just lack the energy or patience to go spend hours getting fonts and stuff.

  5. P.S., Judy, I can't find your blog. Was trying to find it earlier this afternoon b/c it's vanished from my blog list. Did you change it?

  6. I love all this, but it's too complicated for an old fart.

  7. Thanks for the great resources. Yes, I changed the name. didn't know it would knock me off people's list, though. Here it is
