Monday, April 5, 2010

Haven't blogged in awhile.  Maybe I'm in a blog funk.  Maybe not.  Hmm

Weather's been fickle.  It's sunny.  It's snowy.  It's breezy.  It's tornado worthy wind gust time.  It's clear skies.  It's black nasty skies.  You get the idea..Oh, and that can all happen within 15 minutes.

So, I'm going through a boredom phase.  I haven't really ever had one of these for more than a day, so it's weird.  I think I need something new for a hobby.  Not sure what just yet.  Any ideas?

We spent Easter (after church and visiting with Chris' Mom) out at the is so nice out there.  I so wish it were time for us to be out there, too.  In God's timing....His is better than mine!

Ash has started her fundraising efforts for the National Youth Convention and Fine Arts Festival (Chris is telling me the name of it as I write..seriously, could they have come up with a longer name????) far she's raised $155 in addition to the somewhere around $200 she has in her account.  Sweet.  Only about another $800 to go.  And another $600 to go for Chris, since he has to be there as a coach and chapperone. Yup..lookin for money trees!  Seen any?  Will be SO fun for them, though.  A great experience and good Father Daughter time!

We've got a big weekend coming up with 2 birthday parties.  One of them is a joint bday party for a bunch of folk having a bday in April, including me! :)  How fun!  The other one is for a great guy we've gotten to know this past year.  Can't wait for all of the laughs and games.

Well, April is crazy intense busy, but it's filled with stuff we love so it's all good!  Ash leaves for Montana for just a little less than a week at the end of April.  That's for a Teen Bible Quiz Regional competition.  Lots of trips for that girl.

Hope you're week started off well, and that it ends even better!  Love you all.  Keep on keepin on..never look down, always look UP!  Victory is on the way, a new day is coming. :)

We'll chat soon...

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