Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dandy good mornin to ya

It's a nice breezy somewhat cool and a tiny bit humid mornin here in Kuna, ID. Kiddos are out back. A is playin with Sadie in the pool and also having a small soccer game with her. J is sitting out at the table with his Batman Laptop, trying to figure out why the "OSS" has denied his access to the computer and why they don't think that he is doing his job when "HE IS!!". So, it's a normal day in the Mendiola family. :)

Chris is sitting here an another meeting, 2nd one of the day. This one is at least entertaining for me, too. So that's nice :)

Got a text from Jenn late last night that they were doing well and that she would call today. So, so far, so good. Today is Josh's 6th birthday, hope he finds reasons to smile even in the muck of the situation.

Chris finally got the stump out of the front yard last night. Holy crap it was quite the task! Turns out it had some sort of metal stakes in with it, not exactly positive as to WHY, but it did. And they are still in the ground. BUT, the stump is gone! WOOHOO!! Now we just need to go dig up the other tree and bring it on over. "Easy". Yeah RIGHT But, it will be beautiful in the end! Nothing fabulous comes without work..usually.

I've gotten extra hours this week so that's been nice..will help pay for the cavities I have to get filled soon! Eeek!! And, it will help for that pesky surgery I have to get, too. Speaking of that, I really should call and get the name of another surgeon. Maybe I'll do that here in a minute.

Well, have yourselves a great day! Love ya

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